HOME – When HOME gets thrown out of Balance

An Installation against sexual Violence

In collaboration with the Beratungsstelle Frauen-Nottelefon Winterthur

HOME | 2020
Steel | wood | bed covers | sheets | pillows | metal headboards | 200x200x330 cm

HOME should be a place of safety and retreat, trust and tranquility. But war, terror and violence force people to leave their HOME or it transfers to a place of fear, pain and horror. Many women and children and other vulnerable groups are humiliated, controlled and disempowered and devalued even in peaceful times. If HOME is out of balance, they are existentially threatened, especially if they choose the path to freedom. In times of particular strain, these existing processes are magnified and multiplied. Not only does the contempt for women dramatically increase, but also racism and homophobia.

HOME is an installation against discrimination and violence.

Franziska Greber & Nicolas Galladé | City councilor of Winterthur

Kunstprojekt als Sprachrohr | Deborah Archetti | 12 November 2020
Winterthurer Zeitung

(Photo: Doris Binda)